Free Standard U.S. Shipping on Orders Shipped within the U.S.

Customer Service
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Returns & Exchanges
All returns must be authorized. To receive your refund, the item must be returned to us within ten (10) days of receiving your order. We must receive the returned items in the same condition as when they were shipped. You must obtain a Return Authorization number and have it clearly written on the outside of the return package. Any returns without an RA number will be returned to the sender. Please contact us to obtain an RA number. We do not do exchanges or store credit, only refunds. Once the return is received, we will refund you through the means by which the order was paid.
Where Orders Are Shipped From
All costume and fashion accessory orders are made and shipped from Los Angeles, California. Apparel are made to order and shipped from a partnering facility that has locations overseas and within the United States.
Privacy & Safety
We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a purchase from our site, you provide your name, email address, payment information, address, phone number, and password. We use this information to process your orders, keep you updated on your orders, and personalize your shopping experience.
To keep you informed about our latest offers, we may notify you of current promotions, specials, and new additions to the site. You may unsubscribe from our newsletters by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email you receive from us.
Payment Methods
Credit / Debit Cards - PAYPAL - Offline Payments